What Are Splash Blocks and Why Do You Need Them in Your Next Rain Gutter Installation?

March 29, 2017

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Rain gutter Downspout with moldA rain gutter system requires several components to work efficiently: hangers to hold onto the roof, straps, leaf screens, end caps, elbows, and a downspout to channel the rain gutter from the roof to the ground. There is another indispensable piece that some people leave behind during a rain gutter installation —splash blocks.

Splash blocks are devices made of plastic or concrete that channel the water away from the foundations of a building or house. They are usually rectangular, with a close-ended side positioned underneath the downspout and an open-ended side that direct the water away from the construction's foundations.

Installing splash blocks to your property is more important than most people realize to maintain its structural integrity. If you need a breakdown of why you should definitely not forgo installing them, here are the main reasons why splash blocks are essential:

  • They carry the water away from the foundations of your home. When it rains, fast-flowing water comes from the downspouts. The strong current during a heavy storm or hurricane cannot flow into the ground swiftly and linearly without something that helps channel the water in one direction. That's what splash blocks are for: to help water flow in one direction and away from your property. This helps protect the house's foundations from water, which if left unchecked can cause irreparable and costly damages.

  • They prevent mud stains on the walls. As the name implies, splash blocks prevent muddy water from splashing into the ground. If your property is surrounded by grass, your exterior walls might get stained when it rains and dirty water falls to the ground from the downspouts and splatters on the walls. To avoid this and keep your exterior walls, floors, and grass in perfect condition, it is best to redirect water away with the splash blocks.

  • They can be a nice decoration item for your outdoor spaces. There are different styles of splash blocks to choose from in today's market. There are classic, rectangle shaped blocks or others with an Asian pond style or even some made in the shape of animals or leaves. Also, if you prefer to have another kind of drain system, there are underground pipes that are connected to the downspout and carry the water to a specific point on the ground.

Metal downspout without splash block As you can see, splash blocks are items to be considered if you want to be keen on keeping your drainage systems up to par, staying away from water damage, and are interested in practical and pragmatic means of landscaping.

However, even if you decide to install them, you must also be wary of installing them the wrong way. This is a very common problem that many people look over. There is a tendency that these pieces are installed incorrectly and homeowners don't notice until it's too late. As absurd as it may seem, it's extremely normal that splash blocks are installed backwards, making the water flow towards the property instead of away from the house; experts think that builders usually place them that way to prevent water from destroying the newly installed turf, but forget to tell the owners that they need to eventually change it. Needless to say, this can cause serious problems for the homeowner later on.

This is one of the main reasons you should hire a professional rain gutter installation company. Only seasoned professionals can help you assemble and correctly install your splash block so they work seamlessly with your rain gutter system. This is key to avoiding the pitfalls of rain season.

If rain season is coming and you are looking for a professional rain gutter installation company to help you install the drainage system you need to protect your home from the elements, contact our experts at Rain Gutters Solution calling (305) 270-7779 or fill out the form below. You can also follow us on Facebook at Rain Gutters Solution, follow us on Twitter @RainGuttersSolution and Instagram @GuttersSolution.

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