Can Not Having Gutters Cause Foundation Problems?

August 11, 2021

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Foundation Problem for Not Having Gutters
No one can deny the effectiveness of a strong rain guttering system. Rain gutters bring countless benefits that help us save thousands of dollars' worth of repairs. In spite of this, not everyone sees rain gutters as a necessary investment, whether because they live in a primarily warm weather or due to a seemingly strong foundation on their homes. This doesn't change the fact that rain gutters relieve those foundations of the worst consequences of the rainy season. With no gutters to do damage control, the water rolling from the ceiling will simply follow gravity's course to pool on your foundations and all around your house. This is why hiring a rain gutter installation is not a luxury but a long-term asset to help you protect your home more effectively.

What Happens When a House Has No Gutters?

Can not having gutters cause foundation problems? Rainwater can burden you house in many different ways, and yes, foundation issues are the most pressing outcome of having a property with no gutters to keep the water at bay. As you know, your foundations support the rest of your property, ensuring its continued stability and the proper alignment of each section of your home. Foundation damage endangers your house as a whole, as well as its residents and the land all around it.

Wet Floor due to not Having GuttersThe main risk of a gutter-less home comes, unsurprisingly, to water drainage. With no gutters to control the flow of water, there's nothing obstructing the way to your foundations and into your basement. There are several consequences borne of rainwater seeping into your foundations, each more dangerous than the last.
  • Cracks on your foundation: Too much moisture will accelerate the natural deterioration of your foundations. As a result, they will lose stability to support your home, likely growing uneven and ill-fitting.

  • Walls and roof damage: This might go from discoloration on your wall's painting to deeper structural damage. You might start seeing more cracks on your sidings and parts of your walls might start swelling up. Meanwhile, your roof's will take the full brunt of the damage caused by heavy rains, creating dents in the spaces where your ceiling and walls should connect.

  • Leaks: One of the most bothersome side-effects of not having rain gutters in place. Your walls and ceiling are corroding at a much faster pace because they're collecting more rainwater after every storm. This will inevitably increase the number of leaks all over your home.

  • Pests: Moisture will attract all sorts of insects and rodents towards your foundations. The pools of water left on your roofs and around your home represent an ideal breeding space for mosquitoes, rats, bees, bugs, and other critters. This obviously entails a host of hygienic problems, increasing the risks of diseases for the people living inside the house. The longer you leave these pests to their own devices, the harder it will be to eradicate them once they start reproducing.

  • Foundation damage caused by changes in the soil: The soil around your home will be more susceptible to shifting due to weather and temperature changes. This will not only increase the risks of soil erosion, but it will also deprive your foundations of their main line of support, prompting the appearance of cracks and issues in your foundation's alignment.
Wet Floor With Rain due to not Having Gutters

Rain Gutters Are the Ultimate Solution

There's a reason why rain gutters have grown so popular in the last decade. Even with moderate rains, the potential damages caused by rainwater remain the same and, depending on how old your property is, your foundations might be more prone to deterioration. A professional rain guttering system will catch the rainwater falling around your house, so no water will accumulate on your foundations or seep into your sidings. There will be no danger of overflowing or spillage because a proper rain gutter system will be able to sustain the amount of water flowing through, even during cases of intense rainstorms. These are the main advantages of installing a rain guttering system:
  • Rain gutters will prevent your damage falling on your home. Beyond protecting the concrete slab at the base of your home, your rain gutters will also be beneficial to your walls, door, windows, fascia, and floors.

  • They will prevent water from getting stuck on your roof after each instance of rain. Incidentally, they will also help you avoid incidents regarding sudden showers because the water will be redirected before falling haphazardly from your roofs.

  • Reduced moisture will neutralize the appearance of mold and mildew. It will also keep painting from peeling off your walls.

  • From their color to their size, rain gutters can be customized to match your home's structure. On top of adding a visual appeal, this ensures that no water slips between the gutters and the roofs.

  • Professional gutters are made with the most durable materials to ensure a long lifespan. This way, you can keep your home protected from the effects of rainwater from 10 to 30+ years.

  • They can be installed by a professional contractor in little time, saving you risks and reducing the chances of inaccuracies.

  • In the event of gutter malfunction, rain gutters are easier to replace when compared to the expenses you'd need to make to cover for roof or foundation damage.
The problems left by rainstorms tend to stay hidden in plain sight until it's too late to find a solution without spending thousands of dollars in the process. You can secure the best protection for your home's foundations with the most durable rain gutters in the Miami area. Contact Rain Gutters Solution by calling (305) 270-7779 or filling out the contact form. Our installation specialists will help you secure the perfect rain guttering system to protect your home through decades of climatic changes. Trust Rain Gutters Solution and leave all your concerns behind.

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