3 Reasons Why Your Gutters Need a Rain Gutter Cleaning Service This Fall

August 16, 2017

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Rain Gutter Cleaning During the Fall
There are so many excuses why not to have a rain gutter cleaning during the fall. Students are back in school and there's less time to tackle the more time-consuming chores. Homeowners and their families are both planning their last outdoor activities before winter, while also getting ready for Halloween and Thanksgiving—giving you less time to hop on a ladder to remove the never-ending influx of leaves, needles, pods, etc. out of your gutters before the cold arrives.

But not cleaning your gutters during the fall can spell disaster later. During the season, trees shed so many leaves, seeds, and other detachable components that your gutters can become easily clogged. This fact, adding to the incoming cold, can cause your gutters to need greater repairs in the spring.

Generally, clogged gutters can cause trouble any time of the year. When too much organic debris–the kind that is generated conspicuously during the autumn—accumulates in your gutters, they can overflow during a rainstorm… and this will be the least of your troubles.

This is why you should contemplate these 3 main reasons why you should clean or hire a rain gutter cleaning service in the fall:

1. Prevent structural damages on your rain gutters

Picture this: you were having fun hanging outdoors with your family most of the fall season, and you forgot to clear your rain gutters from a truckload of leaves that are now lodged in them and your downspouts. Then comes winter, and the only outdoor activity you are planning on doing is shoveling snow.

But your gutters are to the brim with leaves, and now inches of snow are added. For some types of gutters, this can be too much. They bend and suffer all kinds of damages because of the excessive weight, the accumulation of debris, and the cold.

Clearing and cleaning your gutters during fall season will leave your gutters ready to handle all that heavy snow without having to endure the punishment of additional loads.

2. Avoid pests

Is there a cozy bed of leaves, twigs, and seeds in your gutters? This isn't good news for you, but it is a very attractive nesting opportunity for a variety of rodents, birds, and other kinds of animals to spend a warmer winter.

If you don't want to risk having close encounters with critters and other pests that could pose a health risk to you and your loved ones, the best thing to do is to clear your gutters of all debris during the fall. Get rid of all the leaves and you will prevent most pests from nesting.

3. Prepare for the Winter

One of the benefits of a thorough rain gutter cleaning during the fall is that you will be able to detect all the things that are wrong with your gutters in time for the winter. Hosing down your gutters will not only clean them, but also let you to know if there are any leaks you should repair. Careful inspection will also show if there are hangers and screws you should change.

Rain Gutter Cleaning Leaf Blower Making small repairs to your gutters along with cleaning them will ensure that your gutters remain in good condition throughout winter, saving you a lot of money once springs comes.

Even though cleaning your gutters can be beneficial, don't forget that it can also entail some risks. Your best bet if you have trouble working on ladders or don't wish to spend a lot on rain gutter cleaning gear, is to hire a team of professionals and let them do the work on prepping your gutters.

If you have decide to hire a team of professional rain gutter cleaners to help you get this bothersome chore done without hassle, then Rain Gutters Solution is the team you need. We have decades of experience offering rain gutter installation, cleaning, and repair services at a fair price and on time. Get a quote by calling us at (305) 270-7779 or filling out our contact form. If you are interested in knowing more about our latest promotions and discounts, remember to subscribe to our newsletter and to follow us on Facebook at Rain Gutters Solution, Twitter @RainGuttersSolution and Instagram @GuttersSolution.

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